NAB News

CIArb Annual Meeting Set for September

CIArb Members will want to attend the CIArb Annual Meeting which will be held online on September 9, 2021, at 16:00 BST. Details and Registration are found here:

As part of the Best-in-Class series, the CIArb North America Branch (NAB) proudly announces presentation of the Inaugural Fellow Emeritus award to Mr. John W. Garman LL.M, FCIArb for his outstanding and sustained service to the Branch. Mr. Garman has a long and distinguished record of service to the NAB and is an accomplished international […]

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators has started the recruitment process for a Regional Relationship Manager in the Americas. The position will be based in Miami, Florida. You can see details about the Job and apply via LinkedIn here:…

Katherine Smith Dedrick is NAB’s New Chair

Katherine Smith Dedrick, JD MBA, has started her term as the Chair of the North America Branch. Katherine says, “during my term as Chair, I look to raise the awareness of the Chartered Institute’s and NAB’s superb training, education and collaboration among members and different branches which leads, in my opinion, to “best in class” […]

Ann Ryan Robertson C.Arb FCIArb, a member of the NAB and an International Partner at Locke Lord in Houston, has begun her term as President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Ann is the first American woman, second American, and fourth woman to hold that office. Her message to CIArb’s members can be found here: […]

NAB Appoints Reena Soni, FCIArb Webinar Committee Chair

The North America Branch is pleased to announce Ms. Reena Soni, FCIArb will serve as the Branch’s Webinar Committee Chair. Ms. Soni, an entrepreneur, has been a member of CIARb since 2017. In January 2020, Ms. Soni retired from Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) as a Principal Investigator with the Office of Fraud Detection and […]

CIArb NAB is now on Instagram

Follow us on Instaragram, @CIArb_NAB! You can also check it out here

Using Zoom to conduct a Virtual Arbitration

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 Webinar 2pm CT/ 3pm ET This 60-minute online training session is designed to teach neutrals and advocates how to use Zoom Professional to effectively conduct their arbitrations. The event is free an open to all – registration is required. Read more


March 16, 2020 Dear NAB Colleagues, It is a privilege to serve as the new chair of the North America Branch. As you may know, David Huebner is taking on the important role of Americas region Trustee for the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. David has been tireless in his efforts to launch an array of […]

Branch Chair David Huebner Wins Diversity Award

At its annual meeting on February 28, 2020, CPR (the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution) honored North America Branch chair David Huebner with its “Outstanding Contribution to Diversity in ADR Award” for his tenacious inclusiveness efforts within the Chartered Institute and other organizations in the legal sector. In his acceptance remarks, David acknowledged […]

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