CLE Seminar on “Views from the Frontlines: Hot Topics in #InternationalArbitration for 2021” hosted by White & Case LLP, the Los Angeles Chapter of the NAB, Omni Bridgeway, and Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center. This live CLE webinar will discuss emerging issues and trends that will shape international arbitration over the following year. The […]
NAB News
Introduction to International Arbitration Associates’ Course April 9 and 10, 2021 11:30am – 3:00pm US ET Download Brochure |REGISTER NOW A two-day program comprising virtual interactive workshops to introduce the practice of international arbitration from inception to enforcement Presented and Organized by: The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators’ North America Branch New York Branch and Canada […]
Katherine Smith Dedrick, JD MBA, has started her term as the Chair of the North America Branch. Katherine says, “during my term as Chair, I look to raise the awareness of the Chartered Institute’s and NAB’s superb training, education and collaboration among members and different branches which leads, in my opinion, to “best in class” […]
The North American Branch proudly presents this webinar about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives to expand the number of to increase awareness of Black/African American Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) practitioners and access to opportunities. Read the Flyer | Register Here
Ann Ryan Robertson C.Arb FCIArb, a member of the NAB and an International Partner at Locke Lord in Houston, has begun her term as President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Ann is the first American woman, second American, and fourth woman to hold that office. Her message to CIArb’s members can be found here: […]
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators’ Young Members Group (YMG) ADR World Tour: Arbitration and Mediation as a Global Force for Good Historically, during times of social, political and economic unrest, agility, disruption and reinvention, are often led by a new generation, capable of shaking up the status quo and finding new ways of conducting “old” […]
9 December 12pm ET Led by an experienced panel of Jonathan Fitch, William Zucker and & Wendy Venoit, this Lunch and Learn will discuss current institutional rules and trends regarding the use of Discovery in Arbitration. (Read More)
The North America Branch is pleased to announce Ms. Reena Soni, FCIArb will serve as the Branch’s Webinar Committee Chair. Ms. Soni, an entrepreneur, has been a member of CIARb since 2017. In January 2020, Ms. Soni retired from Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) as a Principal Investigator with the Office of Fraud Detection and […]
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST Please join the Young Members Group of the CIArb NAB for an informative round table discussion that will examine the arbitration process from start to finish. (Read More)
Thursday, 5 November 2020 12:00 EDT This event is part of USCIB/ICC USA’s Sole Practitioner Group “Nuts & Bolts Arbitrator Series,” and supported by CIArbNY. It will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience. (Read More)