NAB News

Webinar 3 – Potential Alternatives to Arbitration in ISDS

UNCITRAL Working Group III- Reform or Replace the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System?

Webinar 3 – Potential Alternatives to Arbitration in ISDS

September 22, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. EDT

CIArb NAB presents a webinar, “Potential Alternatives to Arbitration in ISDS”, on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 @ 11:00 a.m. EDT.

The investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) system provides a mechanism, based on international arbitration, to resolve disputes between foreign investors and States. Investor-State disputes are increasing, and damage awards are often significant, placing the ISDS system under scrutiny. This webinar, the last in a three-part series on UNCITRAL Working Group III- Reform or Replace the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System? explores alternatives to arbitration in ISDS.

Moderated by Dr. Alan Anderson, panelists Dr. Herman Verbist – Attorney, Everest Law (Ghent/Brussels); Ms. Kinda Mohamadieh – Legal Advisor and Senior Researcher, Third World Network in Geneva; and Dr. Margie-Lys Jaime – Professor, University of Panama (Panama) will provide insights into possible alternative methods for resolving ISDS disputes. Brief bios of the panelists and moderator are:

Dr. Margie-Lys Jaime, PhD, FCIArb, is Professor of Law at the University of Panama. Her practice includes international commercial arbitration and investor-State dispute settlement. She is legal adviser to the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Panama and in this capacity, participates at UNCITRAL Working Group III. She is also Of Counsel at Infante & Pérez Almillano in Panama. She holds a PhD from the University of Paris II and is Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitration.

Dr. Herman Verbist is a partner with Everest Attorneys in Belgium (Ghent/Brussels). His practice focuses on international arbitration and mediation. He is a trained investor-State mediator and lecturer at the Europa-Institut of Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, for the course “case study investment mediation.” He is designated by Belgium to the ICSID Panel of Conciliators and was a member of the IBA Committee on the elaboration of Rules for investor-State mediation. He participates in the work of UNCITRAL Working Group II and has authored or co-authored numerous books and publications in the field of arbitration and mediation.

Ms. Kinda Mohamadieh is legal advisor and senior researcher with the Third World Network office in Geneva. Her work focuses on WTO processes and negotiations, international investment governance, and business and human rights issues. She is currently a PhD candidate at the international law department of the Graduate Institute in Geneva”.

Dr. Alan M. Anderson, PhD, FCIArb, is a Fellow and Council member of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, a Fellow of the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution, and an accredited international mediator. He has participated in the work of UNCITRAL’s Working Groups II and III since 2015. He is the President of Alan Anderson Law Firm LLC in Minneapolis, MN, and a Door Tenant with Littleton Chambers in London, where he is a member of its international arbitrator group. He is the co-editor of The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Reform, Replace or Status Quo? which was published in late 2020 by Kluwer Law International.

This program is free, but space is limited. To register, go to:

This program is presented by the North America Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

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